Thursday, February 9, 2012

Meeting Minutes 02/09/12


Meeting Minutes 02/09/12


Ennis Gibbs (Sugarhouse Rotary President)

Jeff Solomon (Rotarian)

Meagan Gallagher

Jerika Michel

Kyler McGee

Jean Rodriguez

Dayna Kirkpatrick

Lucy Daynes

David Mays

Drew Olsen

Julia Ashikbayava

Brooke Bellows

Whitney Warnick

Laura Swinyard

Crystal Barard

Emma Becker

Shradha Gyawali

Braun Myers

Rotaract Agenda

-The Sugarhouse Rotary President, Ennis Gibbs, will be coming to speak about the Rotary-4-Way-Test (15 min.)

-Announcements (Shirts, Rotary Mentoring Program, Wai India Dinner, Orange Project, Ricky Martin Concert, etc.) 10 min.

-Reflect (Chili-open, Gala, Crossroads Clothing, Global Peace Initiative, City Academy Interact, Highland Interact, etc.) 10 min.

-Finalize Speed Mentoring Event 10 min.

-Go over assignments from previous meeting

Introduction to Rotary

(Ennis Gibbs)

-1.2 million members in Rotary

-102 years old

Avenues of Service

1 - Club Service - people in the club that make the club work

2 - Community Service - get out and service the needs of the local community

3 - International Service - Go internationally and work with another club there

4 - Vocational Service

5 - New Generations Service - working with the youth


Sugarhouse Club provides $3,000 to Westminster to give to students

This year it will be provided to members of the Ethics team for the Ethics Bowl

-If you are a member of the Ethics team and the Rotaract Club, your chances will be much higher.

Rotary 4-Way-Test

The four-way test of the things we think, say or do


Is it the truth?


Is it fair to all concerned?


Will it build good will and better friendships?


Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Upcoming Events

02/10 - Connecting the Generations 2:30 Walker One

02/18 - The Senior Ball @ The Sara Daft Home 6:30 or carpool from Westminster @ 6:00

-Dancing with Senior citizens

02/23 - Sicko Screening 6:00 @ Gore

-Documentary by Michael Moore about the US Health Care System

02/23 - Rotaract Meeting 7:30 Walker One

02/24 - Speed Mentoring 6:00 @ HWAC

03/17 - Aquarium @ Living Planet Aquarium

-Needs volunteers

03/29 - Wai India Dinner

-Learn about India Culture

-Students can go for about $10-$20 instead of $100 if they help

04/06 - Share the Shred @ 7-10 Gore

04/07 - Dayna's Dog Walk

04/21 - Service Drop

-All the Westminster clubs come and do service together

04/28 - Ricky Martin Concert

-Italian singer singing Dean Martin's songs, reminiscing about growing up with famous singers, etc.

-10-12 volunteers as ushers, guarding auction items

Chili Open Reflection

Whitney Warnick

It went a lot better than last year. Raised about $240,000 for the charities. People really liked the photo booth. The whole event was a success.

Gala Reflection

Emma Becker

About 100 auction items for the silent auction. Really fancy 3-course dinner. Recognized Rotarians and different people involved in the charities there. Raised between $30,000-40,000. Very successful.

Crossroads Clothing Reflection

David Mays

Collecting clothes to take to the refugee homes. Luckily they'd gotten enough clothes that they didn't need them, so they loaded them up in trucks. The house the clothes were in burned down and the clothes were the only things that didn't burn. Took the clothes to Crossroads - they said on a given day they get about 80 families coming in needing clothes, so it was a great donation!

Global Peace Initiative

Whitney Warnick

The next Rotary International President is promoting Peace through Service with a Global Peace Initiative. Big social media campaign. ~If you're serving people and serving with people there will be more peace. Cultural understanding through service together~ They will be creating a website and they want youth feedback - don't have the website up yet.

Lunch with Sugarhouse Rotary

Laura Swinyard

They sang and it was...interesting. It was fun and they were really welcoming.

**Sugarhouse Club meets every Thursday at 12:00 for lunch and we want everyone to go to at least once. Forest Dale Golf Course on 9th. Don't be late! Just show up, you don't need to contact them ahead of time, but do make sure you check the website to see if they're doing regular lunch or something different on any given week.

Speed Mentoring

02/24 - 6:00 at HWAC

Refreshments - Kyler, Jean, Brooke, Courtney


-Fliers for fundraising for Mexico

Fundraising Dinner

City Library $400

Sorenson $200 - no catering restrictions

Columbus Center?

Dayna's Dog Walk

-Need people to do follow-up calls for places Dayna has already called.

-David & Laura

-Need people to talk to people who we would like to contribute donations for raffle baskets. Letters are prepared to send out to businesses.

-Laura - Whole Foods

-Jean - places for kid's basket


-Dayna - 541-390-7375

Orange Fundraiser

Contact Mike Wells about oranges

-Katie Hathaway

-David Mays - Smiths & Harmons

Emailing out sign-up sheet

-Whitney Warnick

$15-$25 a box?

Oranges will come in end of March

Club Dues


If you write a check, make it out to Westminster Rotaract Club

Membership Outreach Coordinator

Brooke Bellows

Next Meeting

February 23rd at 7:30

Westminster, Walker One

-Katie Hathaway

Rotaract Secretary

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