Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Meeting Minutes 04/05/12


Meeting Minutes 04/05/12


Whitney Warnick

Dave Mays

Emma Becker

Shradha Gyawali

Kyler McGee

Dayna Kirkpatrick

Katie Hathaway

Fathom Croteau

John Castro

Courtney Baxter

Laura Swinyard

Braun Myers

Meagan Gallagher

Chris Couillard

Don SLRotary Club

Donna Costa SLRotary Club

Rich Nordlund SLRotary Club

Special Guests

The Salt Lake Rotary Club came to visit us to get ideas for a Rotaract Club. They are hoping to restart up the community club. If anyone is not a university student but would like to be in Rotaract, then the community club is the place for you! The hope is that next year we will have both the Westminster based club (which welcomes students from any university), and the Community based club (which also welcomes students from any university as well as those who are not university students).



Clean up at police training academy

Painting and planting trees

Drop Service Project

Saturday, April 21st

The clubs on Westminster campus all have a giant service project

Our club will be coloring food boxes for the Utah Food Bank

Ricky Martin Concert

May not be happening anymore, wait for more information.

Dayna's Dog Walk

Saturday, April 7th

At Liberty Park - Northeast Pavilion

8:00 - Set up

12:30 ish - Break Down

9:30 - 10:30 - Open registration

Need volunteers to supervise the raffle

Need volunteers to man the stations

Easter egg hunt

Games & Food

We stuffed easter eggs with dog treats during our meeting!

Taco Party/Auction

May 3rd around 6:00 (Thursday before Cinco De Mayo)

Emma - pricing a taco stand

Kyler - pricing a taco stand

Fathom - pricing a taco stand

Courtney - checking on Wheeler Farm

Kyler - checking on venue

$10 for tacos and a drink

Columbus Center

Next Year

Service trip to Nepal will be the focus/goal for the year

-Showing a documentary 'The day my God died'

-Next summer

-Raise ticket money $1300 per person

-20ish days

-Setting up a library

-Human trafficking is a major problem in Nepal. It is because people are not educated, so setting up a library would be beneficial in educating the population.

-Fundraiser dinner that we were planning for this year may be bumped to next year

-More information coming after June

Next Meeting

04/19/12 7:30 PM

We will be holding elections

Creating certificates for the auction

Katie - in charge of template

Taking pictures for the auction

-Katie Hathaway

Westminster Rotaract Secretary

Monday, April 2, 2012

Next Meeting!

Hello my fellow amazing Rotaractors,

It is time to have another meeting :]

The meeting is April 5 at 7:00 PM. (A little earlier than usual since we have a lot of planning to do). There will be a meeting either before or after that main meeting for the people going to Mexico so that we can plan our side service project there. (those going to Mexico should let me know what would work better for their schedules) :]

The agenda is as follows:

Announcements (various things that are going on people's lives, service projects, elections, etc.)
  • Special guests time
  • Dog Walk (Dayna)
  • Taco Party/Auction (Details and Dates)
  • Next year
    • Projects
    • Events
    • Nepal??? :D

In preparation for this meeting, be thinking about what WE as a club want to focus on and promote next year, and what should OUR goal be?

The meeting will be held in Walker 1 on Westminster's campus. ( It's #30 on the map.)

Also, to get you thinking and interested in our potential international service project for next year, I have provided the following videos which talk about human trafficking in Nepal.

If you have any questions or concerns with time/agenda please let me know. Thanks!

Whitney Warnick
Westminster Rotaract Club

Meeting Minutes 03/08/12

Rotaract meeting minutes (made by me, Lucy)

March 8th 2012, 7:30 pm, Walker 1

Attendance: Crystal and Lily (stopped by), Dayna Elizabeth Kirkpatrick, Andrew Ballard Olsen, Oscar Gomez, Whitney Warnick, Dave Mayes, Zhuldyz Ashikbayeva, Jerika Michel, Lucy Daynes, Emma Becker, John David Castro, Shradha Gyawali, Courtney Castro, Chris Colyard? PhD, Kyler Jacob McGee, John Rodriguez, Jeffery Edward Bennet

Welcome- Jerika

Jimmy Fallon clip

Crystal- project with senior citizens

date: Friday, March 23rd

Dayna- Adopt Me Society, invitation for Rotaract members to attend an adoption prior to the dog walk event, fliers and schedules of upcoming Adopt Me events, fliers are made for the walk, the permit is in, insurance hasn’t gone through yet so we have to wait a couple of days before passing out the fliers.

Kyler- Kony 2012, Invisible Children event April 20th at 5 pm at Pioneer Park , post fliers all over (covering Salt Lake City), Kyler is in charge of everything, fundraising barbeque before postering, incredible momentum, Kyler needs delegates, connections to a copy company, newspaper, radio station, etc., Kyler also needs references to companies that hire people with disabilities for his job (connecting disabled people with employment)

Emma can’t get ahold of Caitlin at an Interact club, we want more Interact clubs connected with us.


  • Internship announcements: 1 with Living Planet Aquarium 4 month commitment 18-24 hrs per week, AmeriCorps, look for an email
  • Mexico: safety information , houses built with Habitat for Humanity model (the family has to meet requirements to qualify), people going meet after to talk
  • Chris is moving to Hawaii
  • Everybody introduce yourself (and make up a fake name to make it easier for lucy to take attendance)

Thank You note writing

Our next meeting will be a party next Thursday night at Jeff’s house. Giant Jenga and food.